Kind Words

Letters, Photos and Testimonials

Letter from Edward KennedyPoem of thanksThank you photo with signatures.

Dr. Theoharides with mothers and volunteers at TACA 2017
TACA=The Autism Community in Action
Dr Theo with child

"Today was an amazing, big step in our rare disease journey. We finally met a doctor that understands and cares! God bless you Dr. Theoharides!"
Dr Theo with Jenny Mcarthy

Dr. Theoharides with actress/author Ms. Jenny McCarthy who stated publically that her son who had been on the autism spectrum has been greatly helped by the dietary supplement NeuroProtek that Dr. Theoharides helped develop to help the body reduce brain inflammation.
Dr. Theoharides and children

"Our son has been on NeuroProtek for over a year now and he says the NeuroProtek has greatly helped his allergy symptoms, asthma and overall concentration, ability to focus and brain fog."

"Dr. Theoharides' Algonot supplements have helped my wife to such a large degree that it's difficult for me to fully do justice using words. ...Today, thanks to continued use of Algonot supplements her quality of life is immensely improved.  She is able to work full-time doing work that she loves."

"Thank you for your incredible work and dedication to unlock the mysteries of the mast cell and your continued efforts to raise awareness for the need for more research and drug development!"

"I came across this YouTube video… “Demystifying Mast Cells: How To Get The Right Diagnosis”. Your podcast was an answer to my prayer!!!  Thank you for becoming who you’ve become in the medical community!!! It has taken many years of time, sacrifices, and hard work to have gotten where you’re at!"

"The fact that there are almost no interactions with luteolin and other medications/supplements has been extremely useful for my patients, and quite a few of my patients have had significant improvement in both their physical and mental health with luteolin. Thank you for your tireless work in this field!"

"My own research led me to you.  Huge Blessing!!!  I cannot adequately express just how much I value and appreciate what you're doing for us all in the Mast Cell community. It is such a struggle dealing with challenges and lack of physician understanding."

"Thank you for being the man who should have been my family. You are THE man who are always there for us lost patients and relatives."

"Thank you for your research and marvelous formulas."
RK, L.Ac, CH

"I'm now wanting to work and have a sense of purpose after hmmm 15 to 20myears of feeling likwe I could not syand up, take a shower, walk even a few feet. And now I am well enough to want gto bring awareness. And it's because of you. Thank you!!!!"

"I'm neither writing in a state of panic nor out of fear. I need to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your research and your clinical expertise. I pray that I've turned a major life corner. If so, you not only saved my life but you saved the quality of my life. Thank you Dr Theoharides."


"Your CystoProtek supplement has made my Interstitial Cystitis disappear! Thank you!"


"Your work on mast cells has literally saved thousands of lives."


"I am very impressed with the good work you have been doing."


"Thank you very much for your attention and expertise. I am grateful TO YOU!"


"I have used your products and are great!"


"I absolutely love your products."


"I recently tried FibroProtek and it is a life changer. I cannot believe how much it helps."


"BrainGain has been a cornerstone product in my mast cell cocktail for about 5 years now. Thank you for all you do."

"Just want to thank you for your dedication, your commitment, your early research paper on Covid and the mast cell. We are listening! And your decades of research on the mast cell have greatly benefited and helping prevent prophylactically and treating Covid. We are extremely grateful for your knowledge and culture of sharing. NueroProtek is working remarkably! Thank you again!!!"
"You single-handedly helped me figure out the missing piece of my puzzle. I feel blessed to have met you and had the opportunity to be guided by you. I am now wanting to work and have a sense of purpose after 15 or 20 years of feeling like I couldn't stand up, take a shower, or even walk a few feet. And now I am well enough to want to bring awareness! And it's because of you! Thank you!!!!"
"Thank you! Thank you! In 15 min you explained what five different physicians could not over ten years! God bless you!"
"You are a truly amazing person and one of the best."
"My deepest heartfelt appreciation for taking the time to speak with me today.  I am actually in a bit of shock that you were  willing to help me so much over the telephone.  To say that speaking with you today restored a sense of hope in me for my health as well as in the human race in general is an understatement. In all my years of pursuing a remedy for migraine headaches-in the medical as well as alternative medical communities-I have never met anyone who actually cared enough to offer me help and direction without an agenda of their own. Thanks you is certainly not enough to convey my gratitude."
"I just had fairly dramatic success using luteolin with a patient (mild seasonal allergies, mild worsening of behavior during allergy season, no change in mood/behavior with sequential trials of various non-sedating antihistamines),  18 yo boy with autism, significant meltdowns and rigidity,  ... on  many other meds without desired results.  With the addition (PureLut, Algonot brand) of luteolin 100mg qam, his meltdowns went from 1-2 per week to one every 4-6 weeks and he showed social interest in a peers for the 1st time in his life.

Luteolin is so benign, has very few interactions with meds, and seems to be a way to get at mast-cell related neuroinflammation (and other issues as well) without the sedation and other side effects we see with the sedating antihistamines – I’m trying it more and more often these days!"
D.H., MD
"Started my 16 year old daughter on luteolin 100mg qam (Algonot brand) recently in hopes it would help with some mood difficulties that I suspect might be worsened/triggered in part because she is not willing to strictly avoid gluten and dairy right now which have previously triggered OCD/anxiety symptoms – she is hypermobile and I suspect has MCAS as well – and she reported after taking it for 1-2 weeks that her period was dramatically less painful and not as heavy as usual.  PMS symptoms may also have been less significant."
"So THANK you SO MUCH FOR ALWAYS following up, you do not know how many people you help, I think us patients try as well, but of course we do not have your skills and knowledge. But this is the only way - educating the non educated.Take care, you wonderful man!"
"This child had variants in both the IL-6 and IL-1beta genes that are associated with an increased risk of autism and luteolin was one of the recommended treatment options to decrease IL-6 levels for both variants.  He also had a COMT variant called V158M which predicted poor response to quercetin – that’s why I picked PureLut  available from for him, vs one of the other luteolin formulations."
D.K., MD
"Dr. Theoharides, thank you so much for your info. And I love your products! I am still using them (Fibroprotek and Brain Gain) and I have a number of patients on them as well."
S.S., MD


The contents of this website and any provided materials, research, or communications are for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.